COMPANION PLANTING: Any growing system needs controls to protect the plants from wind, heat, birds, rodents, and insect pests. THE BIODOME GARDEN BOOK addresses this in depth, focusing on the various natural means of protecting plants while they are growing. The design and layout of the Biodome Garden accomplishes this in several ways, companion planting being one of them. The diagram to the left, which is included in the book, shows plants that thrive when located next to "friendly" neighbors, which are plants that repel insects that are attracted to their neighbors. Other plants enjoy plant neighbors whose roots are at different levels so they don't compete for nutrients. NSEW orientation can also be a factor, some plants loving lots of sunlight and heat, and others needing shade in a north side location. The circular layout of the planting bed in the Biodome Garden is ideal for accommodating companion planting.

Small-animal and insect pest control is also addressed in THE BIODOME GARDEN BOOK. Again, the design and layout of the Biodome Garden is ideal for accomplishing this. Instructions on how to prevent moles and gophers and slugs, and other animal pests, from entering the growing environment inside are covered in THE BIODOME GARDEN BOOK. Also included is a "how-to" on making your own biological insect sprays, as well as varieties of predacious insects that can be purchased and introduced into the Biodome Garden as a non-chemical means of insect control. Such predacious insects feed on harmful plant-eating insects such as aphids, mealy bugs and spider mites, along with their larvae. The placing of certain small animals such as toads and chameleons inside the Biodome Garden, along with other insect control methods such as smoking, are also addressed in THE BIODOME GARDEN BOOK.
To purchase THE BIODOME GARDEN BOOK click on the following:
Color edition for $23.95 click here
B&W edition for $9.95 click here
To purchase WAIST-LEVEL GARDENING click on the following links:
B&W edition for $8.95 click here
Color edition for $18.95 click here
Color edition for $23.95 click here
B&W edition for $9.95 click here
To purchase WAIST-LEVEL GARDENING click on the following links:
B&W edition for $8.95 click here
Color edition for $18.95 click here